Thursday, October 22, 2009

Busy Busy

As some know, I have a business making wreaths and blankets. Well here is one wreath that I just got done making for my sister-in-law. She had some stuff come up and ended up in the hospital for a week and these are the flowers that people sent to her while she was there. I am way happy how this turned out!! I dried some flowers that I have never dried before and some of them didn't turn out good, but some of them turned out AWESOME!! I am way excited about this wreath and love it!!

I was looking at facebook one day and one of my friends had a website posted and I went and looked at it and it had these cookies on it. I thought they were adorable, so I had to try them out! They aren't perfect, but not too bad for my first time. I am definately going to be making more of these. Let me know if you want to know how to do these. (Incase you can't tell, they are spider webs with little spiders on them.)

And last but not least....Dakota's 14th Birthday! She loves loves soccer, so we decided to get her and us some Major League Soccer tickets for her birthday. She didn't have a clue we were going. We picked her up from school at lunch, drove to Utah, went out to eat at the Mayan, went to the soccer game, stayed the night, went to Cabella's the next morning, had lunch with my brother Brandon, and headed home. The game was alot of fun and we had really good seats. We were about half way between mid-field and the goal, and 5 rows up. She had a blast which made it all worth it. Quick trip though!!

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