Friday, March 20, 2009

Skylar's 1st Birthday

So my baby girl turned one.... :( It makes me kindof sad how fast time goes. But the day was pretty good. We had two cakes (which were both super cute). One had tinkerbell on it, and then there was a small cake to match just for her. By the end of the night, she was covered in Hot Pink frosting. It was too cute. We ended up doing two different parties. It is kindof hard to have birthdays when the weather outside isn't good. So one night we did a party up at Heise Pizza and invited all the friends and their kids. Then on the night of her birthday, we did a Potato Bar dinner and invited all the family. It was fun getting together and Skylar got alot of cute cloths and some fun toys. Thanks to all who came. I LOVE YOU SKYLAR!!!! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!


  1. I can't believe she is one! Before I know it, Brooklyn is going to be there. I already am feeling like I need another baby because she is growing up so fast, but we are going to Hawaii in August and I don't want to be pregnant in Hawaii.

  2. Wow, she turned out pretty pink! Those cakes are so cute, did you make them yourself? That's awesome for Skylar to have two parties! Even though she's only 1 she's learning how fun birthdays can be!

  3. Oh...sad to realize your baby is a little girl now! But the pictures are really cute!! I love the two little cakes :)
