Sunday, February 22, 2009

Becoming Child-like

It is crazy how much a little boy makes you think about things. Somewhere in the scriptures it talks about become like a child. (I don't know scriptures very well, but you get the idea). I never really understood what it fully meant until I became a mom. For instance, the other day I was driving out to my parent's house and Evan made the comment "WOW"!! I asked him what he was talking about and he said "Trees are pretty". Which they were. It was one of those days when the trees were all frosted and it looks like a winter wonderland. I have always thought it was pretty, but when he said that, I looked at it differently. I looked at it through his eyes. How it would look seeing that for the first time. It totally changes the way you look at things. Now all the time, I watch my kids play and try to see what they are seeing, especially when they are seeing or doing something for the first time. It totally makes you appreciate EVERYTHING. I think that is the whole meaning of that scripture. Become like a child and appreciate everything, enjoy the beauty around us, take time to look at things and appreciate all that Heavenly Father has given us.... I appreciate more, and I am always in amazement since I have started doing this. Give it a try.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sheena!! Its so good to hear from you! Isn't it fun being able to keep in touch with everyone? I can't believe how big your kids are! You've got such a cute little family. :) Where in the heck does the time go? I'm glad to see that you are doing so well. Welcome to the blogging world! It can be addicting...
